A Temple For the Holy Spirit--February 23, 2024

Today’s Readings


AM Psalm 40, 54; Gen. 40:1-231 Cor. 3:16-23Mark 2:13-22

"...do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you..."

1 Corinthians 3:16

In the Rhythm of Life that some of us are completing this Lent, there is section that addresses the physical aspects of our lives. The booklet says, "Jesus chose to become incarnate in a human body, sanctifying all of creation.

How would we treat our own and others' bodies if we honored the sanctity of each and every one of us? We each have unique bodies and abilities--all beautifully and wonderfully made. The messages we were given about our bodies when we were growing up from our parents, the culture around us, even our faith communities, greatly impacts our sense of our bodies. Too much focus on our body can become a source of vanity or pride; too little or even lack of caring for our bodies a source of dishonoring the gift of life from God."

One of the intentions with the Rhythm of Life initiative is for us to choose at least one area in our life where we prayerfully commit to a certain practice or practices that will enhance our well-being and our connection to God. Below are some questions for you to ponder about physical well-being. If you desire a conversation about the Rhythm of Life or your Lenten practice, please reach out and I or someone to whom I can refer you, will be grateful to ponder with you. I pray you continue to have a most Holy Lent.

Grace and Peace,

Mary Bea+

Questions for Self-Reflection from Rhythm of Life Booklet

What messages were you give when growing up about your body? Sexuality?

How do you, or will you, regularly care for your body? Exercise? Nutrition? Rest?

Is there a believe about your body that is harmful to your well-being? If so, what support might be helpful to heal this pain in your life? How do you practice care of the body of creation--earth, our planetary home?

Mary Bea Sullivan