Living Stones - April 10

Today’s Readings: AM Psalm 119:1-24; PM Psalm 12, 13, 14
Exod. 15:22-16:101 Pet. 2:1-10John 15:1-11 


Come to him, a living stone, though rejected by mortals yet chosen and precious in God’s sight, and like living stones, let yourselves be built into a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.  1 Peter 2:4-5


An odd fact about me is that I love rocks. When Sam and I went to Joshua Tree National Park a couple of years ago, I marveled at the huge rock faces. As we hiked through the desert terrain in 105-degree temperatures, I snapped photo after photo of rocks in the shade, stones in the sun, rocks with lizards on them. And so, at the mention of stones in the scriptures appointed for today in this second week following Easter, I am energized as I read from the apostle Peter’s first letter to early Christians in exile.


Peter hopes to inspire those receiving his letter to draw near to the steady, strong presence of the Son, for it will change them. Come to Jesus, he writes, the living stone. Stones have long been used as markers for memories, as indices of territory boundaries, as tools for processing and protection, and as images for strength and stability. Jesus is all of this and more, though many do not see him for who he is – precious in God’s sight.


In the light of the Easter season, I want to sit with this and savor this image of Jesus the living stone. All the alleluias we proclaim, all the trumpets resounding, and all the joy we feel is built upon the living stone of Jesus. He is the foundation from which all the festivities emanate. Our songs of resurrection and hope resonate through the living stone of Jesus. And when our voices falter with grief and our bodies are tired, it is Jesus the living stone who gives us a space to sit down, low to the ground. Low and not alone.


My friends, Peter knows that space. Peter who denied Jesus. Peter who questioned Jesus. Peter who kept living as a follower of Jesus. Peter, who is known as Cephas – the Rock. It is Peter who invites us to be enlivened by the living rock, so that we, too, will be like living stones, being built into a spiritual house, becoming a holy priesthood, offering gifts of love and dedication to God with the help of Jesus.


Peter writes this letter to help the new followers of Jesus understand what the rejected, yet resurrected Son is doing for them. The apostle knows that as God’s gift of Jesus is extended to us, we are called to do something about it. The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus is meant to change us. Living as followers of Jesus takes us down different paths and changes the ways we interact with people along the way. Peter is working to open our eyes, so that we see what God is doing to and for us in our lives.


As Christians, we are meant to be living, rolling stones. May this bring you Easter joy today.




Reflection and Challenge

What does the image of Jesus as the living stone kindle within you? What going on in your life really needs the steady foundation of Jesus right now?

Katherine Harper