An Update on the Security & Safety Committee and Usher Training this Sunday

Dear Saint Stephen’s,

Earlier this month I wrote to update you on the work of the vestry and told you about our Safety and Security Committee and its expansion to include parishioners beyond the Vestry. The larger committee has met weekly since that update, and we will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. I am extremely grateful for the members of the Committee and the important work they are doing for our church community. Our new committee is comprised of Larry Myers, Thomas Perrine, Chris Williams, Jim Musgrove, Deb Hinton, Rich Crumpton, Keith Granger, Leslie Dunlap, Charlie Stevens, Xan Glover, Zac Brown, and myself. 

As I mentioned in my last update, we have engaged a security consulting firm that specializes in crisis response and mitigation. The firm performed site visits and conducted interviews with staff members and parishioners to help identify ways we can effectively respond to the crisis through counseling and by enhancing our safety and security protocols. The consulting firm then provided recommendations for the Committee’s consideration. The consulting firm will continue to give the Committee guidance as we move forward, and we will keep you updated along the way.

Included in the recommendations is a plan to provide in-depth safety and security training for different groups within the parish, specifically staff, lay worship and ministry leaders, and others whose roles at the church can benefit from more training.

Along those lines, earlier in the week you received notice in the Weekly E-News that on Sunday (Aug. 28), we will have Worship Minister Training at 10:15. Included will be training for Ushers and Greeters. If you already serve as an Usher or Greeter, or if you would like to join us in doing so in the future, please come to the training at 10:15. In addition to training for our roles specific to the worship service, we will discuss safety and security protocols and how those are being further developed through the work of our Committee and with the guidance of our consulting firm, including plans for the more in-depth safety and security training sessions for Ushers and Greeters and others that will be held in the coming weeks.

If you are new to Saint Stephen’s, or if you have been wanting to take on a more active role as a lay person in our worship services or ministries, I encourage you to join us on Sunday to learn more about being an usher, greeter, lector, or Eucharistic Minister.

I am grateful for all of you who serve our church community. Thank you all for being part of Saint Stephen’s!


Michael Yancey

Senior Warden

John Burruss