Jesus’s $2.2 trillion relief package - April 3
Today’s Readings: Exod. 9:13–35; 2 Cor. 4:1–12; Mark 10:32–45
In today’s Gospel, the disciples are on the road, going up to Jerusalem and Jesus predicts his death. It’s not a very pretty depiction. And the disciples are arguing about who is going to sit at his right hand and who at his left. As I read this reading and write a reflection (the day before you are reading this) I have just signed a loan application for payroll assistance for our church community and preschool as a part of the $2.2 trillion relief package passed by our government of which $387 billion is aimed at small businesses which include nonprofits.
And while I am confident that this is a good and faithful gesture on our part, I am also aware of the little voice in my head, how will this bill benefit me, or my community. I think this is a natural and honest answer, but there seems to be a dangerous and fine line that we ought to pay attention to whenever we are seeking anything. The disciples are wondering how their relationship with Jesus is going to benefit them. And we hear the crux of Mark’s Gospel “For the Son of man also came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
I hope our answer deep down will always be, how do the gifts that we receive enable us to serve God. And maybe I needed to hear this passage as much as anyone and be reminded of what is ultimately asked of all of us.
- John+
Questions for Reflection
What benefits do I receive from following Jesus?
What have I received lately that enables me to more fully serve God?
Explore the line within your own life of when you seek what benefits you vs. what enables you to serve God.