Lent Resources


Each week we will enjoy a time of dinner & fellowship followed by an all-ages program and activity focused on one of the 3 pillars of Lent - praying, fasting & simplifying, and giving. There will be meaningful discussions and activities for people of all ages. There will be nursery for babies to age 4 from 5-7 p.m. each week.

March 12 - Give
March 19 - Simplify
March 26 - Sabbath (no program - Spring Break)
April 2 - Pray
April 9 - Connect - Low Country Boil
April 16 - Stations of the Cross


Lenten Small Groups

Thursday Women's Lenten Study

Thursday mornings, 11:00 a.m. to noon
in the Terrace Room
begins March 6 and runs 6 weeks
Facilitated by Betty Shivers

We will be studying, The Hardest Part--- Hurt we Carry, Hope we Find by Kate Bowler.

"Life is this strange tender mix, isn't it? Joy and sorrow. Love and loss. Big wins and even bigger failures. We cling tightly to the beautiful moments, but then the phone rings, a diagnosis drops, or some creeping ache reminds us that everything--- everything--- is more fragile than we would like to admit. Lent invites us to stop pretending we can hold it all together.... life is fragile, and so are we." ( Kate Bowler) 

Each week includes scripture to read, suggested discussion questions, and prayers.
For more information, contact the Rev. Katherine Harper and she will put you in touch with Betty.

Thursday Evening Men's Group - "Let's Talk...

Thursday eventings, 6:00-7:00 p.m.
in the Terrace Room
begins March 6th - May 8th 
Co-Sponsored by Saint Stephen’s and the Threshold Center
Facilitators: Malcolm Marler, Michael Moore, and Bill Peeples

Men of all ages are welcome to join us as we explore the deeper dimensions of life and seek connection, growth, and inner strength. If you're looking for a space to deepen your spiritual journey, share experiences, and engage with other men, we invite you to join our Men's Group – “Let’s Talk.” 

Participants in the Men’s Group will honor each other’s paths, offer support, and create a community for respectful, honest reflection. Come as you are. No judgment. No expectations. Just men spending meaningful time exploring life’s bigger questions, learning from each other’s experiences and growing together. If you're ready to embark on this journey with us, we look forward to seeing you on Thursday evenings!

Please feel free to reach out to admin@thresholdcenter.org or katherine@ssechurch.org with any questions and they will refer you to the facilitators.


Living Compass Tools



The Living Compass Podcast

The Living Compass Podcast is a year-round offering that you can listen to any time on the Living Compass website or by searching for Living Compass in your favorite podcast app (Apple, Google, Spotify, etc). 

Daily Devotional Reflections (Click on the bold and underlined word to connect):

Sign up to receive a daily email of each English reflection for FREE.

Spanish devotional reflections are posted daily on Brújula de la Vida Facebook Page. 


There are several ways to engage with our Lent devotionals.

(Click on the items in bold and underlined for a direct link to that resource):

  • Download our Lent devotional as a FREE PDF file in English and Spanish.

  • Purchase our Lent devotional as an e-book from Amazon for .99 cents in English and Spanish.

  • Sign up to receive daily reflections by email (English) at no cost.

  • Access English daily reflections on the Living compass website. (Daily reflections are posted each day, beginning on Ash Wednesday).

  • Sign up to receive a daily email of each reflection for FREE.

  • Download our Lent Facilitator’s Guide as a FREE PDF file.

  • Access all past reflections on our online archive of daily readings.