Keep Awake. This is all you need. - May 12

Today’s Readings: AM Psalm 61, 62; PM Psalm 68:1–20(21–23)24–36Lev. 16:20–341 Thess. 5:1–11Matt. 6:7–15

In Paul’s Letter to the Thessalonians, he shares to the community that they do not need a letter written to them. Isn’t it ironic: he tells them this in a letter! Letters were how the community was connected and united with each other. Paul, or someone else, would write a letter to a community and that community would read the letter together and their faith would be strengthened, and their worries eased. And this community doesn’t need a letter to be united. Specifically, in chapter 4, they are told as well that they don’t need a letter to learn how to love each other. Today we hear that they only need to keep awake.

I am struggling with how to reopen the church. While I have not felt an overarching push from our community to get us in the pews, the conversations across the country and even our diocese are pushing us to consider how to gather again in the flesh. It is almost as if there is an assumption, that if we can’t be together in person, we are missing out on something. If we can’t sit and sing and drink from the chalice, we cannot be connected. Maybe Paul’s words of encouragement are to us today, and maybe our in-person worship is the equivalent to the New Testament epistle. The larger world thinks we need in-person worship in order to be united.

But Paul says no! “For you yourselves know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.” Maybe not the best illusion for us to consider, but his point is, God returns when you likely aren’t paying attention, so wake up and be vigilant. The point is, we have made an idol of our worship when we believe that being in person and the sharing of the cup is what unites us. I miss it too, probably as much as most others, but it is our faith that unites us. It is our belief that God is a part of this world, and that God’s goodness is bigger than the mess that we are in. We just need to keep awake. When we do this, we will continue to see God’s reign and glory on the horizon.

- John+

Questions for Self-Reflection

  • What do you miss the most about church prior to COVID-19?

  • In what ways has your faith grown over the past few months?

Daily Challenge

  • Write a letter to yourself naming your spiritual growth during this time and put it away to read later.

John Burruss