A sensory experience in sowing seeds - May 18

Today’s Readings:  AM Psalm 80; PM Psalm 77, [79]; Lev. 25:35-55Col. 1:9-14Matt. 13:1-16

My family and I recently watched a movie called “Stargirl”. The titular character Stargirl Caraway plays a ukulele and brings a breath of inspiration to a high school in the Arizona desert. During a crescendo, she speaks of the gift that comes from slowing down, rather than living in distraction and fury. She offers the image of an unfurling flower, for seldom someone sits and watches the progression from seed on the ground into a colorful burst in the garden. What would it be like if we were to reflect upon and appreciate the intricate steps that brought the beautiful plant to the point that we behold it? Extrapolated to the people around us, what would such an act of care and attentiveness look like? How would this affect relationships?

In telling the parable of the sower of seeds upon various terrains, Jesus calls his listeners to take note – to pay attention – to consider. While he sits in that boat, I have this image of Jesus holding some sheaths of grain. As he talks, he examines the top where grain kernels are nestled. How would reflecting on those pellets, waiting to be loosed and milled, draw the crowd’s attention to the wonder of that plant’s growth? Hearing of the types of ground, perhaps the people examine the sand beneath their shoes and look to see what surrounds them. How might people hear and see differently? How might they be stirred or restored through such a reflection? Would they marvel at the gift resting at Jesus’ fingertips? Would they accept the gift of God’s love and salvation in Jesus? Can you?

There are times, perhaps like today, when our hearts are dull, our eyes are shut, or our heads are swimming in a myriad of stressors. We just cannot bear to see another hardship. And, while the terrain around us is varied and perilous, we can choose to take a moment to still ourselves and reflect on God’s word through Holy Scripture. Accept Jesus’ invitation to consider God’s message of salvation and flourishing…those seeds will take root and grow, one step at a time.

-- Katherine+

Questions for Reflection

  • What parts of your soul’s soil need enrichment today?

  • Who or what shakes you up to pay attention and listen in a deeper way?

Daily Challenge

Invite a friend or loved one to share a story that has shaped them into who they are today, including what was hard and what helped them grow more.

Katherine Harper