1 Peter: Re-imagined for 2020 - May 24

The words of 1 Peter 4:12-14, 5:6-11, appointed as the Epistle reading for Sunday, May 24, are a gift of inspiration and assurance for us - especially for this time of pandemic. The letter was written to Christian churches in modern-day Turkey during the first century. As an experiment in sharing the Good News, I re-imagined this letter through the lens of the 21st century and the circumstances that envelop our world today. Perhaps this excerpt from 1 Peter in 2020 would read something like this:

My friends for whom I love as only God loves,

Around us strange things are happening. They feel like tests and temptations, don’t they? Try doing this – as you can, take comfort, and even joy, knowing that the sacrifices you are experiencing are a way of sharing space with Jesus Christ. When you see glimpses of Jesus revealed now, know that his glory is unchanging – rejoice in those “God-winks”!

When people challenge you in a myriad of ways – questions of wearing a mask (or not) in the public space; resuming worship in-person or continuing online; choice to go ahead for a summer jaunt to the beaches of Miami or Fort Lauderdale, etc. — take a moment -- make space for a deep breath through your whole being. The Holy Spirit is resting upon you and bringing you refreshment. It is not upon your shoulders to respond.

In all the difficulties that surround you, get some perspective. Remember how strong and mighty God is. Begin with that humble posture, and God will lift you up at the right time…in God’s time. It’s hard to wait, unsure what tomorrow looks like. I know. Put your distractions and anxieties on God – entrust those concerns to the Lord, for you are one of the sheep in God’s flock, remember? You, too, are cared for, precious one.

Keep your head clear, be vigilant. Hard times are still ahead, and temptations are at large, swirling around you. Evil looks to devour that which is good, so when you feel swayed or crumbling, resist – stand firm. You are not alone. You have the solidarity of every other child of God around the world in this time of hardship and pain. So, lean upon your belief in God, which is solid.

And as you hold on…as you endure, God’s grace will surround you. God’s grace will bring healing. God’s grace will support you. God’s grace will make you strong. And God’s grace will settle your anxious heart. For, though this time is hard, God continues to have this promise to which you are invited: eternal glory in Christ. Our God reigns over all days – good, bad and ugly. Truly.

With love, and God’s peace,

Your family in suffering and sacrifice.


As our forebears, the early Christians, endured struggles two thousand years ago, we, too, can and will persist in our faith in the midst of our hardships and fear today. Friends, may our hearts remain tender in the strange days ahead…even when we are scared, hurt, or in disagreement. Let us look to the assurance and care that we hear in the gospel and in the letter from 1st Peter. We continue to remain open in God’s love as the one Body of Christ.

— Katherine+

Katherine Harper