Lord, Save Me!

Today’s Readings: AM Psalm 40, 54; PM Psalm 51; Eccles. 5:1-7Gal. 3:15-22Matt. 14:22-36

Oh, you of little faith…who among us this day cannot relate to Peter? Last week was a horrible week for our nation, this week isn’t shaping up to be any better, and things might still get worse before they get better. Things have been changing so fast, it’s hard to keep up or know what to do.

We are experiencing human tragedy on so many levels right now. People are dying, suffering, isolated, protesting, rioting, pleading for life, unemployed, having their means destroyed, grieving and lamenting. We must also remember that the suffering from isolation, illness, vulnerability, and marginalization was happening before our current situation began. On a brighter note, we are learning and making hard decisions about how to open things again safely for our overall well-being and SpaceX did send Bob and Doug into outer space (some have joked about the appeal in leaving planet Earth).  I’ve experienced the full range of emotions through all of this – anger, sadness, fear, and even joy.

If I’m not careful, though, it’s the doubt that can take over. Like Peter, with all the storms of the world around me, I get scared, confused, overwhelmed, and I lose hope. Our help is in Christ. Peter says, “Lord, save me!” Lord, save us all! It’s our faith that keeps us afloat.

A friend of mine from Austin posted a picture of herself recently wearing a t-shirt that says, “Energy, Intelligence, Imagination, Love - #WeAreTheChurch” and reminded me that we are Christ in the World. We must carry with us out into the world the faith in the way of Love that Jesus teaches. This way of Love is the way to healing, wholeness, truth, justice, peace, freedom, safety, and reconciliation that we’re all hoping and praying for right now. When we doubt who we are in Christ, we sink and drown. We have much work to do, but we cannot do it without Christ. Let us reach out to Jesus to save us and trust that we will be saved by our faith in Christ.

 — Susan Oakes

Susan Oakes is a rising senior at the Seminary of the Southwest in Austin, Texas. This summer, she is serving as a seminarian intern at Saint Stephen's, her sponsoring parish for ordination.  

Questions for Self Reflection

  • What thoughts, feelings, emotions, emerge as you experience the historical events that are happening?

  • How are you responding to events and others?

  • When and where is Jesus reaching out to save you?

Daily Challenge

  • As you watch the news or scroll through your social media feeds, use the lens of Love to filter through everything and try to discern where you see Christ most alive around you and within you.

John Burruss