God or Man?

Today’s Readings: AM Psalm 41, 52; Isa. 48:1-11Gal. 1:1-17Mark 5:21-43

Several years ago, while I was serving on the vestry of my church, we were charged with making a decision that would impact the entire congregation. Leading up to the vote we had several opportunities to ask questions, debate the factors at play and listen to one another’s reasoning. The priest who was leading our group read us this scripture from Paul’s letter to the church in Galatia:

“10 Am I now seeking human approval, or God’s approval? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still pleasing people, I would not be a servant*of Christ.”

He asked us to consider as we weighed all the facts, “who were we trying to please?” Were we thinking of how God would act or were we more concerned with what others would think about our decision?

There have been many times in my life when I wish someone had asked me this. When I was in high school and fell into a not-so-great group of kids someone should have asked me that. Through the years, I’m sad to admit I’ve made decisions that weren’t based on what I knew was the right thing to do, but rather based on what the situation was, who was involved and whose acceptance I was seeking. This isn’t particularly surprising for a high school or college kid, but what happens if as adults we continue to allow ourselves to be blown back and forth, our opinions and choices flipped around like a kite on a windy day? What if we fail to see that God is the only authority in our lives that we need look to for approval? 

Paul’s letter addresses a situation that unfortunately isn’t uncommon in the church or in the world. This group of new followers has allowed themselves to become influenced by something that isn’t the genuine article. It's easy to allow ourselves to make decisions, influenced by the people around us, and by those whose opinion, whether rightly or wrongly, matters to us. It’s tempting to conform, to take the easy way out, to become confused with so many different sources of information, or to seek a way to avoid creating conflict. Honestly though, when that happens, when I’m conflicted, I know it, I can feel it, and if I fold to it, I know that I coped out. 

Making decisions on what we believe is right in the eyes of God requires listening in community, having discussions that include multiple ways of looking at an issue, listening with open hearts and open minds, and seeking through prayer the Holy Spirit’s guidance. And then, once a decision is made if we believe we’ve spoken our truth, nothing else matters. 



Questions for Reflection: Can you recall a time when you know you avoided conflict by avoiding the truth? When you chose to compromise your truth? It all comes down to whose approval matters most.  

Sally Herring