Holy Hikes Resume on Saturday, August 1

On Saturday, August 1 at 9:00 a.m., Holy Hikes Birmingham is back! We will be hiking at Red Mtn and meeting at the entrance/welcome station on Frankfurt Drive. This will be a special hike because we will be welcoming St. Stephens' new Associate Rector for Formation, Rev. Dr. Rebecca Watts (Becky). Rev. Watts organized the Holy Hikes Brazos Valley Chapter in Texas and will be the celebrant for our first holy hike back from quarantine.  

We ask for hikers to maintain six-feet of distance during the hike and to bring a mask to wear when the group stops to congregate. Holy Hikes Birmingham is excited for a return visit but a new trail at Oak Mountain and Moss Rock as well as a field trip and picnic up to wonderful, wonderful Camp McDowell in September.  

All hikes start at 9:00 a.m. on the first Saturday of the month.

Red Mtn.-August 1

Welcoming Rev. Dr. Becky Watts

Meet at welcome/entrance station off of Frankfurt Drive


Camp McDowell Hike and Picnic, Sept. 5

Meeting place TBD


Oak Mtn., Oct. 3

Meet at Peavine Falls parking lot by the trail sign


Moss Rock, Nov. 7

Meet at trail entrance 

Stasi Bara