A Letter from the Stewardship Chair

Dear Saint Stephen’s Family,

As we have started the 2023 Stewardship Campaign, I would first like to thank you for your generous support of Saint Stephen’s as our church looks to its 50th anniversary next year. In the 20 years that my family has been a member of Saint Stephen’s, it has been amazing to witness its growth with its membership, its facilities, and more importantly its impact in the community. Even with the tragedies we have suffered over the past couple of years, Saint Stephens has never been stronger which is a testimony to you.

The Stewardship Campaign kicked off on September 25 and will conclude with Consecration Sunday on November 13. Last year we had 248 families sign pledge cards, 21 others with reoccurring gifts (without a pledge), and our goal this year is for every family who attends to make some commitment. I’d personally hope over 300 families will do so. There will be several Stewardship gatherings at parishioners’ homes over the next few weeks to share about the importance of giving, and how Saint Stephen’s shapes your own life. These are evenings of sharing and learning and I hope you will attend one. You can sign up here.

For 2022, tithe offerings made up 88% of the budgeted revenue and plate offerings (unpledged giving at a church service or as a recurring gift) is 12%. Your tithe helps greatly in planning for the next year for all the programs we can support. As you likely learn every time you enter the church or open an email, our community has amazing programs to support our members and numerous outreach programs to support our community. It seems like there is something new every week!

We know we will have an increase in expenses for 2023 which will include new security costs not including inflation. Comprehensive security plans are currently being developed by our Safety and Security Task Force that will also include medical, weather, and other issues. Saint Stephens is on the forefront of working on these issues and is now being contacted by other churches around the state seeking advice and guidance on this. 

In his epistle, St. James reminds us that our faith and our works are both necessary to live into our true calling as Christians. It is not enough to simply believe, but we must act on that faith to serve our neighbors. You do this all the time, in so many ways. Your works are not just about the programs Saint Stephen’s sponsors or arranges in our community, or the things we pray for on Sundays; they are also about the way you raise your family, pursue your career, participate in the civic life of our community, volunteer your time in schools, civic and other organizations. Inspired and informed by your faith, you give so much to our neighbors.

On behalf of the Stewardship committee, I thank you for your pledge and ask that you pray with us as we launch our annual gathering of gifts and gratitude and consider how you can use your works to support Saint Stephen’s in 2023. If you are ready to make your gift, you can do so online here. Otherwise, I look forward to turning my card in with yours on November 13, 2022. 

Faithfully yours,

John Freeman, Stewardship Chair

John Burruss