Light Sabers and the Light of Christ – January 6

Today’s Readings:  AM Psalm 46, 97;  PM Psalm 96, 100; Isa. 52:7-10Rev. 21:22-27Matt. 12:14-21


On the twelfth day of Christmas, the godparents sent our kids two light sabers. Think Star Wars…Luke Skywalker…Yoda…The Force. These whimsical weapons are battery-powered and button-activated. One shines blue; the other shines green. And, they make noise. Pulling them out of the box, our five-year-old gasps with delight, “They gave me just what I wanted!” There is chasing, sparring, and general merriment around the living room and down the hallway. The light sabers’ radiating glow shines joy and wonder to our household.


And now, it is January 6, the Feast of the Epiphany – the day we celebrate the making known of Jesus the Messiah to the entire world. In the Christopher Wordsworth hymn “Songs of Thankfulness and Praise”, we sing of this beautiful mystery: God in man made manifest. God became present – embodied – with the world, meeting us in human form. The light of Christ is made apparent, and people are drawn to that light. In Matthew 2:1-12, we read of the bright star that shines and guides the way of the long-traveling magi (or the wisemen). When they see that the star has stopped, they are overwhelmed with joy. They are invited into the home of the holy family and kneel in front of the child Jesus and his mother Mary. The magi pay tribute to this one who is foretold to be the king of the Jews. Their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh are symbols of his royalty.


The glow and renown of Jesus continue to draw people to him – and to praise of the Lord. In the portion of Matthew 12 appointed for today, “many crowds followed him” (v. 15). Jesus heals all of them. Surely there are gasps of delight. Surely there is merriment and wonder. Surely those cured are beaming with the afterglow of holy refreshment. What a scene of joy to behold. What a space of good news and hope. Can you imagine it?


Across the experience of humanity, there is so much pain and loss. Holy Scripture reminds us that God’s power brings relief. We need that assurance that God is good and faithful; the imagery and encouragement in Isaiah 52 deliver that for us today:

How beautiful upon the mountains
   are the feet of the messenger who announces peace,
who brings good news,
   who announces salvation,
   who says to Zion, ‘Your God reigns.’ (v. 7)

In this ancient proclamation, hard things are happening all around God’s people. Through the prophet, the Israelites are called to rely upon the Lord as their guide and source of hope, strength, and salvation.


Are you longing for healing and restoration today? Maybe you suffer from visceral pain in your soul or body. Perhaps there are insipid divisions in your family or work life. Or, you are troubled by toxic animosity in the world around you. Those spaces of darkness cannot withstand the light of Christ, announced to the entire world in the feast of The Epiphany. Jesus vanquishes the darkness and brings hope. Jesus delivers new life. Jesus brings a radiating glow that shines joy and wonder to all corners of the earth.


Let us bow down in gratitude, acknowledging God’s glory. Let us bask in the warmth of Jesus’ light. And may the Holy Spirit embolden us to share the Good News with everyone!


-- Katherine+



Questions for Reflection

Where in your living space do you need more light? How have new lightbulbs or a different light fixture changed the feel of a room?

What good news brightened your day in the past week? Who do you know who is needing some good news and hope?


Daily Challenge 

Think of a source of light that brings you peace – a candle, nightlight, lamp, etc. Sit with that image of illumination. Pray for a feeling of peace and restoration. Give thanks to God for the gift of Jesus’ light in the darkness. Then, share words of Christ’s hope with someone around you.

Katherine Harper