Community: The Good Soil - October 28

Today’s Readings: AM Psalm 50; PM Psalm [59, 60] or 103; Neh. 1-1:11; Rev. 5:11-6:11; Matt. 13:18-23

At the conclusion of last night’s Trunk or Treat event, I was walking through the building with a parishioner, reflecting on both the beauty and joy of the evening and the challenges of earlier in the day, and arguably the last eighteen months.  He remarked, “John, I’m guessing you didn’t get the pandemic handbook in seminary.”  It was a warm response and the simple acknowledgment and support set me at ease and reminded me how important the support of each other can truly be. 

There has been a lot of reflection lately about Christian community and the long-term effects of the pandemic.  Being able to stream and worship from home has been an absolutely remarkable gift.  Some are critical that it keeps people from being in community and we still have to live out our faith in community and caution that it can further drive the idea that our faith is something we can consume. I strongly believe that faith is about changed hearts, and changed hearts truly change the world, so a whole lot of good can happen through technology and livestreaming.  But it does beg the question of how do we continue to build community as the Body of Christ if that is such a critical component of our faith?

Today’s Gospel reading is the parable of the sower.  Jesus casts an image of scattering of seed and the seed’s success is dependent upon the ground that it lands.  The parable is set not just about our faith, but how we hear the word of God.  Jesus suggests that even those who hear the word of God and receive it with joy, when they have no root, it is like sowing seed among thorns that choke the word.  The parable is not just about how we hear the word of God, and what we believe, but the soil necessary to receive the word of God.  When we hear the Word of God in good soil, we flourish.

Often when talking about discernment in church, we cast a vision of the role of community.  Understanding God’s call is not something we do on our own, but something that we do together. It’s why the Gospel is often read from the middle of the people on Sunday mornings.  We hear it together.  And then when life challenges us, we face those challenges together through our support, prayer, reflection, and encouragement.  Maybe the good soil is a community of faith that works together for the Glory of God.

No matter where you are reading this, or how your worship is lived out, know that you are a part of the body of Christ.  And we need each other to make sense of the word of God.  I’m grateful that each of you helps me to do that.


Questions for Self-Reflection:  How has someone in your faith community supported you lately? How have you supported someone else?  How has this changed over the last eighteen months?

Daily Challenge:  Here is last week’s Prayer list.  Pray for the people on the list today.  If you know someone, reach out and share that you prayed for them, or you can reach out to someone on the birthday list and wish them a happy birthday. 

John Burruss