Keep Awake!
Today’s Reflection
Our tradition is filled with inspiring persons who courageously spoke truth to those in power. One such soul is Hugh of Lincoln who lived in the 12th century. A member of the strict monastic order called the Carthusians, Hugh risked his life by being plain spoken with King Henry II. Hugh advocated for the workers who were being taken advantage of by the king and other nobility. He made these pronouncements, not long after that very same king played a role in the killing of the Archbishop Thomas a Becket. And yet, not only did King Henry II come to respect Hugh, he grew to love him and cherish his prayers and counsel.
When Hugh was summoned to England to serve, he had been a monk in a French Monastary for 17 years. As a member of a monastic order, Hugh ordered his days according to a Rule of Life--a commitment to live by agreed-upon norms within a community. Unlike other orders, such as the Benedictines, the Carthusians spent a considerable amount of their time studying scripture and praying in solitude.
Our Gospel reading today compels us to "Keep awake" for we do not know when the master will return home. How do we "keep awake?" One way we keep awake is to order our days with regular time with God. A few suggestions for regular time with God include joining your St. Stephen's community for Morning Prayer at 8:30 am, or a strolling outdoors with a walking meditation, or centering prayer, or simply lighting a candle and sitting with God, or listening to pray as you go, or walking the labyrinth. The possibilities are boundless. If you desire inspiration in your daily prayer life, feel free to contact me, or John or Katherine. We would love to wonder where God is beckoning you into deeper relationship.
So, back to Hugh of Lincoln who lived those many years ago. It is not a stretch to imagine that he was able to follow a path of courageous truth-telling for the benefit of those less fortunate because he was steeped in scripture and prayer. Together, let us keep awake with eyes and ears and hearts open to witness to God's presence in our midst.
Yours in Christ,
Mary Bea+
Questions for Self-Reflection:
What one thing could you do on a daily basis to deepen your connection to God? Is there a prayer practice that has spoken to you in the past? Something you have wanted to try? Who could help you stay the course of keeping awake?