Face to Face Communication - April 28
Today’s Readings: AM Psalm 105:1-22; PM Psalm 105:23-45 ; Dan. 6:1-15; 2 John 1-13; Luke 5:12-26
Today’s Reflection
Amongst today’s readings we find one entire book of the Bible, the Second Epistle of John. In this short letter attributed to John the Evangelist (also author of the Gospel of John), we find just thirteen lines of a personal letter addressed to “the elect lady and her children.” It’s a very personal letter, commending them for “walking in the truth,” encouraging them to “love one another,” and warning them to “be on your guard” against those who teach things that “go beyond” the teaching of Christ.
What caught my eye, though, came at the close of the letter, when John says this: “Although I have much to write to you, I would rather not use paper and ink; instead I hope to come to you and talk with you face to face, so that our joy may be complete” (2 John 12). In this statement we hear John, himself the writer (depending which scholars you follow) of a substantial Gospel account and other epistles, saying that we need to communicate with one another not just through writing letters, but also through spending time with one another face to face. How much truth there is in this statement still today!
Sometimes, a letter or an email, a text or a call or a video chat, is the way to go, be it due to expediency or being separated by many miles. But nothing can ever substitute for committing to spend time with another person face to face. Not even a video chat can capture the power of close physical proximity—being able to reach out to hold a hand, pat someone on the shoulder, offer a hug.
There’s something to be said for sharing companionship with others in person. It’s why we gather for worship together in the same physical space on Sundays, and for small groups throughout the week. And it’s why we make a point of delivering communion and visiting those for whom it isn’t possible to be physically with us at the church.
While we also put much time and effort into our printed and electronic communication, everything from our magazine and bulletins to our e-news and our livestreams of worship and formation, we intend these not as a substitute for in-person interactions but rather as a supplement. When you watch a video of ours online or receive something from us in your email, our deep hope is that these communications will remind you to come join us for church this Sunday, to be with us “face to face, so that our joy may be complete.”
Moment for Reflection
Today or this weekend, challenge yourself to take what could have been a text or an email and instead connect with that person face to face. Think about the ways you tend to communicate with people and look for chances to visit with someone in person rather than through electronic means.