Own worse critic? - July 3

Today’s Scripture:  AM Psalm 106:1-18; PM Psalm 106:19-48; 1 Samuel 10:17-27Acts 7:44-8:1aLuke 22:52-62

‘Have you come out with swords and clubs as if I were a bandit?’ This simple question is what Jesus asks the chief priests, the religious leaders who have sought his arrest. His question raises two considerations for us as readers. First, Jesus understands the chief priests view him as a criminal. Second, they are attacking him in a violent manner. They do not view him as an equal, nor do they try other tactics in their assault on Jesus. 

Peter denies his role in this unfolding situation, an invitation for us to see ourselves in the story in the role of Peter. It sounds like a more Lenten reading, focusing on our own complicity in the story. We certainly have waged swords and clubs on things we see as bandits in our life.

A person recently told me about a picture received from a friend as a text message, followed by a text asking them not to post it online because they were worried it made them look too large. We wage wars with swords and clubs on ourselves too. Maybe we have made something the bandit that’s not at all.



Questions for Self-Reflection:  Do you see yourself more as your own biggest supporter or largest critic? 

John Burruss