Out of our Control - January 30
Today’s Readings: AM Psalm 61, 62; PM Psalm 68:1-20(21-23)24-36; Gen. 21:1-21; Heb. 11:13-22; John 6:41-51
I usually work well with deadlines. The nature, at least of this Episcopal church, is strategy helps us live into our mission. We plan months in advance, and we operate with deadlines. On a side note, if you are ever interested in the behind-the-scenes understanding of Saint Stephen’s, we would be happy to give you a tour of the staff offices including our staff meeting room filled with large, oversized calendars, spreadsheets with liturgical and preaching rotations, and deadlines for guides. Stories have been outlined for both the spring and fall magazines. We follow a schedule because it helps us be the best stewards with our time and resources.
I’ve also been struck with the challenge of producing a daily reflection every Monday. Did you notice you received this email on a Tuesday? Have you noticed when you haven’t received a daily reflection? Sometimes it’s a pastoral conversation on a Sunday afternoon, or Newcomers gathering, a hospital visit, a need for communion, or something else.
As I read Genesis today, I find myself wondering how much the birth of Isaac changed the life of Sarah. We get the impression that Sarah and Abraham had longed for a child for years. Abraham was one hundred years old, and Sarah laughed when God spoke to her sharing God’s vision for her life. Did she have time for a newborn? What did she have to give up? What tasks could no longer be accomplished because of the change taking place in her life? Was she scared?
The reading from Genesis is a reminder that much of our life is outside of our control. Timelines might be helpful, and yet sometimes things happen. What unexpected gifts or challenges have you faced lately that have thrown you off your schedule? Could it be a gentle nudge from the Holy Spirit, a gift you didn’t expect?