Feeling the BOOM of God's power - April 17

Today’s Readings: AM Psalm 38; PM Psalm 119:25-48
Exod. 19:16-25Col. 1:15-23Matt. 3:13-17 


Growing up, our neighborhood association in Old Cloverdale had street parties annually. My dad loved a good party. He loved music and throngs of people gathering. He was at his best in these times. As such, my parents were some of the leaders in pulling these fun gatherings together. I remember sitting on the floor in the back living room of our house to listen as the adults met to make plans for getting the band, setting up tents, getting permits from the city to block off streets, and even more creative ideas like other live entertainment – that included a belly dancer one year. (Perhaps this is one of the reasons I love working at Saint Stephen’s, for we coordinate creatively to plan the events at this lovely place!)


The street dances would start in the late afternoon on a warm summer night and would go on until probably 10 o’clock. I recall one band who played. Their music was loud and it was dark. The drummer played boldly and was well amplified by the sound system. The drum’s beat resonated in my chest. I could feel the music and was mesmerized by the wonder of that sensation. I drew near and sat on the rocky, paved road in front of the band to keep experiencing that pulsing resonance in my nine-year-old self until my mom gathered me to come home as the party was ending.


I think the resonating boom of that drum shaking my insides as I read from the Book of Exodus this morning. Moses and the Israelites have come to the base of Mount Sinai to meet God. There is a thick cloud of smoke around the mountain, plus flashing lightning and booming thunder. As the plumes of smoke rose, the mountain shook and the blast of a trumpet escalated in volume. Moses spoke and God answered in thunder. I can imagine the wonder and terror of that space. All senses are in play: smelling the burning fire, feeling the shaking of the ground, hearing the rumbling of the thunder, seeing the bursts of lightning, and perhaps even tasting the acrid smokiness in the air. I am moved by the power of God shared so vividly in this scripture.


“Go down and warn the people not to break through to the Lord to look,” God says to Moses. “Otherwise, many of them will perish. Even the priests who approach the Lord must consecrate themselves or the Lord will break out against them.” Those words stuck with me as I read this scripture: “The Lord will break out against them.” Isn’t that fascinating and terrifying? This phrasing highlights the untamed power that God holds, though it is restrained (for now). It is worth noting that today’s scripture directly precedes when God spells out the commandments to the Israelites – how they are to revere God and live in community with one another. God is getting the attention of the Israelites before speaking from heaven to impart the commandments to them.


As I go through this day, whether it is to be wacky or boring, my prayer is that each of us can reflect on the awe of God and the way God’s power resonates within our cores. Let us all be attentive to God’s presence and glory, giving thanks.




Reflection and Challenge

How do you see and feel the boom of God's power in your life? How do you blend the vast might of God with the approachable presence of Jesus?

Katherine Harper