Good Shepherds--April 19, 2024

Today’s Readings

St. Alphage, Archbishop of Canterbury and Martyr

Psalm 34: 1-8, Colossians 1:24-29, Luke 12: 35-40


Today we honor St. Alphage, Archbishop of Canterbury from 1005 until he was martyred in 1012. Alphage was beloved for his sense of justice. He was unwilling to allow his mostly poor people pay an outrageous ransom for his release from the Danes. Ultimately, Alphage's captors killed him.

This Sunday is what is often termed, "Good Shepherd Sunday." As I prepare my sermon for our time together, I am especially reminded of Ezekiel Chapter 34 which outlines the qualities of a good shepherd, as well as the qualities of a bad shepherd. The Good Shepherd cares more for the sheep than for his or her own life even. The bad shepherd is self-serving to the detriment of the sheep. Obviously St. Alphage was a brave and sacrificial shepherd. As a priest, I cannot help but wonder "Have I been a good shepherd?" I will continue to pray with that answer, knowing I have not always lived up to the promise of the vows I took when ordained 10 years ago. I pray and hope I will grow in courage and sacrifice for the sake of the Gospel and our Christian community.

I am also remembering with gratitude those "shepherds" in my life who follow in Jesus' way. Jesus of course not only being the "Good," but the "Best Shepherd." One shepherd loved her people so much she would show up in court, or the psychiatric ward at any time of the day or night to let them know they were not alone in the most vulnerable times of their lives.

Another, was my mentor in seminary. She gently guided me, held me in a crisis of faith, and inspired me to love more expansively.

In preparation for this Sunday's service, I encourage you to consider who has been a good shepherd to you. Also, how does envisioning Jesus as our Good Shepherd impact your relationship with him?

Grace and Peace,

Mary Bea+

Questions for Reflection

Who has been a good shepherd for you? How did he or she model Jesus' sacrificial love for us? Who might you be invited to shepherd at this time?

Mary Bea Sullivan