Let Jesus in the Boat
Today’s Readings
AM Psalm 40, 54; PM Psalm 51
Eccles. 5:1-7; Gal. 3:15-22; Matt. 14:22-36
Today’s Reflection:
Many years ago, while in the midst of both a divorce and working at a stressful job, I was worshipping at The United Church of Chapel Hill in North Carolina. One Sunday, when the Gospel was the same as the one in today’s lectionary, I was greatly moved by the sermon. The Gospel is the dramatic story of Jesus walking on water while waves are whipping up in the middle of a storm. Then, Peter walks upon the water, Jesus saves him as his faith wanes, and ultimately, Jesus is in the boat with the shaken disciples calming the storm.
Rick’s message was simple, “Let Jesus in the boat.” Whatever was troubling us, we needed to “let Jesus in the boat.” To my horror, upon hearing Rick’s words, I began to sob in my pew. I am not exactly sure why this particular message on this particular day just did me in. Perhaps Rick’s sincerity and faith moved me. Maybe it was the result of praying to Jesus for a long time for the ability to know and understand him. Whatever the reason, a dam broke loose and my sorrow flowed right out of me.
Since that time more than 20 years ago, I have had other opportunities to wonder if I could manage the storms life whipped up. And on my best day, I say to myself, “Let Jesus in the boat.”
Is there something rocking your boat these days? Perhaps you are worried about a family member who is ill or making poor decisions. Perhaps your own health is tenuous. Perhaps you are in a job that is eating at your insides. What would it be like for you to “Let Jesus in the boat?” I encourage you to pray for the love, support, and mercy of Jesus to be made manifest in your life.
Another idea is to simply repeat a short version of the “Jesus prayer” in somewhat of a mantra. The long version is “Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, a sinner. Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me, a sinner....” Some spiritual directors offer two shortened versions:
Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me. Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me...
Or, simply
Lord Jesus Christ. Lord Jesus Christ...
As you pray, whatever mantra speaks to you, imagine Jesus in the boat of your turbulent times. If it feels comfortable, give thanks for Jesus’ presence in your life. And if you are feeling the need for spiritual support from a clergy person, please reach out to Katherine, Sally, or me. We are meant to weather the storms together.
Grace and Peace,
Mary Bea+
Questions for Reflection
What would it look like for you to invite Jesus into the storms of your life?
Who else might be able to support you as well?