Recovery and Resurrection

Today’s Readings: AM Psalm 119:49-72; PM Psalm 49, [53]; Job 29:1,30:1-2,16-31; Acts 14:19-28; John 11:1-16

‘Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep, but I am going there to awaken him.’ Today’s Gospel sets the stage for Jesus’s miraculous raising of Lazarus from the dead. It’s one of the most powerful stories in all of Scripture, Jesus is not just healing, but giving life to someone who has lost life. It is a story of resurrection, of second chances, of finding life when no one else could see life. 

One of the places that I have most clearly witnessed resurrection is with friends who are in recovery. Drug and alcohol addiction can destroy life, and it can be nothing short of a miracle for people to face their addictions and find life again.  

On Sunday, the morning services of Holy Eucharist at Saint Stephen’s will incorporate the twelve steps of recovery into the liturgy.  Addiction touches almost every life in this country, either directly or through the lives of loved ones. As I was reviewing the liturgy, I was struck by many of the prayers such as, “We come to believe that a Power greater than ourselves can restore us to sanity” and “we make a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God.” 

I am convinced that these stories of healing in scripture are not intended to be a limited historical narrative about what Jesus did in the past, but invitations to see the powerful and transforming nature of Jesus to give us life, healing, and hope. Jesus not only gives us life but transforms our lives and can bring us back from the dead. I give thanks for the transformative work of the varied 12-step programs. And I pray that all of us may find ways of letting Jesus not only give us life, but to transform our lives so that we may know the healing power of God.

If you are in the Birmingham area, I hope you will join us as we try something a little different this Sunday, with the hope that it points us to the power of redemption and grace through the struggles of so many. And if you are curious about the liturgy and can’t be with us, here is a link to the service (it will work after 9 am on Sunday). 


Questions for Self-Reflection: Where has addiction touched your life? How does your faith play a role?

John Burruss