The Light Within - September 16

Today’s Readings: AM Psalm 56, 57, [58]; Job 40:1-24Acts 15:36-16:5John 11:55-12:8

Very early in my spiritual journey I found myself living in a new town, without my church I loved or any of the friends and family who I had come to rely on for support and encouragement. I was a young mother and ill-prepared to be facing the challenges that a strong willed active three-year-old presented. My spouse was overworked and not present, so I felt virtually abandoned. What I realize now, is that the vacuum that move created also created a space within my life that was filled by God’s grace and love. I found a church and a priest who seemed to understand how I felt. I found a place where I was needed, a community that lacked any outreach to the poor. As I began to talk to parishioners about the need for a parish food pantry the pushback from the members of my church only made me more certain that this was something we needed to do. It wasn’t just the hungry that needed feeding, they did as well. The food pantry grew into a Community Kitchen. People from across town came out to support our efforts. I got a taste of what it was like to be dependent on God those couple of years and I also found my voice and my call to ministry began to become clear. In a sense it was my “awakening.”

When Thomas Merton had what he described as his “awakening,” he realized that each of us, had a point of light within their soul placed there by God and if we could see that light within others the world would be a better place. His writings shifted from a focus on simple Catholic piety to a focus on social and political concerns, race relations, and economic justice.

The last line from the gospel of John for today always gets to me, “Jesus said, You will always have the poor with you, but you do not always have me.” My initial reaction to this line many years ago was confusion. Where is Jesus’ concern for the poor? How could he sound so unfeeling? What I came to understand is that his statement reveals a deep heartfelt desire for the poor to be cared about, only he knew who we are and at our best, we will never find a way to adequately love others or address all our social issues.

One of the most vital ministries at Saint Stephen’s is Outreach. On Saturday September 21st, we will host Serve Day. That morning, we will have two offerings for those who want to do hands on Outreach. At Saint Stephen’s we will have a Rise Against Hunger Event. We need 100 volunteers to help pack 16,200 meals that will be sent to people in need. At Christ Church Fairfield that same morning we will be helping with yard work and some cleaning and painting inside. If you could help with one of these ministries, please register through one of the two links below. Encourage friends and neighbors to come along as well. Both offer opportunities for people of all ages, stages, and abilities and a promise to be a fun way to be helpful and get involved in our community.

Questions for Reflection: Where in your life do you see opportunities for action? What holds you back when you see an opportunity?

Sally Herring