Jesus’ voice - September 20

Today’s Readings: AM Psalm 69:1-23(24-30)31-38; PM Psalm 73; Judith 4:1-15Acts 17:1-15John 12:36b-43  


As my husband’s mother Billie was in her final days, Sam would sit with her for hours. One evening she was fretful, so he pulled the Bible out of his backpack. Sam began reading aloud from the Letter to James, an epistle in the New Testament. As he spoke the familiar words of care and guidance about living as Christian community, Billie woke up a little bit. She opened her eyes and looked over at her son. She said, “You don’t sound like Jesus.”


Sam was taken aback. After a pause, he said, “You’re right, Mom. I am not Jesus. I’m reading the Bible to you.”

“Please read it in Jesus’ voice,” Billie implored.

“What does Jesus’ voice sound like, Mom?”

“Well, I don’t know. But you don’t sound like Jesus.”


Would we know the voice of Jesus if we heard it? In our scripture today from the gospel according to John, the crowd does not realize the depth of Jesus’ power or his true identity. The people ask, “Who is this Son of Man you’ve spoken of?”


Jesus answers, “The light is with you for a little longer. Walk while you have the light, so that the darkness may not overtake you. If you walk in the darkness, you do not know where you are going. While you have the light, believe in the light, so that you may become children of light.” (12:35-36)


The crowd misses it. Do their eyes glaze over? Do they get distracted? Are their ears clogged with wax? He is answering them, and they are too obtuse to hear. Jesus has performed many signs of healing and truth, yet they do not believe in him. While he imparts the Good News, it is not as they expect. To them, the message doesn’t sound like the Messiah’s real voice.


I have missed the heart of the matter more times than I can count. How about you? Even when we strive to hear well, we need God’s help to believe. May our loving Lord open our eyes to see and our ears to hear, so that our hearts receive and minds understand the fullness of healing and hope extended to us in Jesus’ words.


May God bless and nourish you this day,



Reflection and Challenge

In John's gospel story, things get in the way of people living into the Good News of Jesus Christ. They misunderstand what Jesus says. They are afraid of being judged by their peers.

Think about matters of Christian faith that trip you up - things you do not understand or topics that are controversial. Have you taken time to reflect on these spaces of tension? Talk with a trusted conversation partner. Ask God to bring openness and clarity into your life.

Katherine Harper