Drawing Nearer to the Divine – March 7, 2025

Today’s Readings: AM Psalm 9531; PM Psalm 35; Deut. 7:12-16Titus 2:1-15John 1:35-42

Jesus said to them, “Come and see.”

This morning, I am thinking about the many ways we experience the power of invitation that is modeled for us by Jesus. That invitation changed Jesus’ disciples – like brothers Andrew and Simon Peter. Drawing nearer to the Divine opened their eyes and transformed the trajectory of their day – and ultimately their entire lives. Jesus taught them to extend a call to include others with authentic hospitality and enthusiasm.

A beloved person in my network of “heart people” – one who embodies authentic hospitality – is very ill. The outcome of her earthly life is uncertain at present. Driving to visit her yesterday, I felt deep sadness, akin to the grief many of you have experienced. It was healing to hold her warm hand in mine and to note her nail polish, a hue like nearly ripe cherries. Though unresponsive to voice or touch, I shared the latest updates of my kids’ lives and told her how much she has meant in mine. I am a better version of myself because of her gift of invitation.

When I was new to Birmingham in the late 1990s in my early 20s, she invited me to join her family at church. When planes crashed into the World Trade Center in 2001, I called her in shock. “What are we going to do?” I asked. She said, “We are going to church to pray. Meet us there at 6 o’clock.” We sat together and cried and prayed – and then shared a delicious meal as family following worship. When my mother died on Thanksgiving morning, she and her family welcomed mine - my sisters, our aunt and uncle, plus a cousin – expanding their table effortlessly by six people! Within the walls of their home, we shared a feast of deep and meaningful thanks. Even now, more than 20 years later, Sam and our kids continue this tradition of sharing laughter, food, games of Scrabble, and life-giving connection with these dear ones who are extended family.

Jesus calls his followers to come and see, so that we may draw nearer to the Divine and experience true hospitality. He calls us so that we recognize a new form of home and being at home in our souls. When it is time for us to be loosed of these earthly bonds, I pray that each of us hears the invitation of Jesus calling us into the mystery and beauty of heavenly glory, where there is feasting and laughter and home.





Reflection and Challenge

Can you think of a time when personal invitation to go somewhere or join a gathering felt meaningful? Did it change your life? If so, how are you different?

During Lent, who will you invite to “come and see” what Jesus is doing in the hearts of minds of people seeking him through worship?

Katherine Harper