Our Church
You are welcome here!
Whether you are new to church, just getting back to church, or looking for a new church home - you are welcome here. There is so much to share, so please look around our website. You will find activities, events, group schedules, and ways to connect with the staff, clergy, and others. If you would like to speak directly with someone first, please contact our Minister for Welcome and Evangelism, Gretchen Lerner, at 205-967-8786 or email Gretchen.
From 0 to 100
We have programs for children, teens, and adults. During Sunday services, our nurseries can accommodate children ages 6 weeks and older. Our children from 4K to 2nd grade leave during the 9 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. services to participate in their own chapel service and return at the Peace. At 10:10 a.m., we have Christian Formation classes and small groups for people of every age (begins September 10). Being involved in other people's lives nurtures ours. From participating in the bell choir to cleaning up the Cahaba River, Saint Stephen's offers ministries and small groups that provide you an opportunity to grow and connect together. Please go to our small group and formation page to find a place to get connected.
3 Ways to join us
Learning Together
Join us on Sundays for one of our four services. In the mornings August to May, we gather at 7:45 a.m. for spoken service, 9:00 a.m. for traditional service with choir and children’s programs, 11:15 a.m. for traditional services with choir and children’s programs, and on Sunday evenings at 5:00 p.m. for our Celtic Service. Formation for children and adults takes place September through May at 10:10 a.m.
From Memorial Day through July, we gather at 8:00 a.m. for spoken service, 10:15 a.m. for traditional service with choir, and on Sunday evenings at 5:00 pm. for our Celtic Service.
In addition to a Sunday service and Wednesday nights during the school year, please join us in one of our many opportunities to grow. Join us through our bible studies, Centering Prayer and educational ministries. You can learn about all of our our formation opportunities here.
Experience Love
Welcoming all is the embodiment of Christ. Helping people grow closer and connect with one another is a gift the world needs.
— John Burruss, Rector
What We Believe
At Saint Stephen’s we know that you are a beautiful part of what God is doing in this world, and by gathering together in community, we can support each other through prayer and love to be the hands, feet, and heart of Jesus Christ in our neighborhood and the world.
We are an Episcopal Church. You can learn more about the Episcopal Church here.
We believe that all people are welcome to participate fully in our community and church. Regardless of your story, history, economic status, race, gender, or orientation, you are invited to take part of all Sacraments of the Church and life in our community.
We believe in God, we believe in Jesus Christ, and we believe in the Holy Spirit. We encounter God in Christ through our worship and participation in Holy Communion. All are welcome to receive the gift of Holy Communion.
We affirm the Nicene Creed every Sunday and believe that God is doing something new in our lives, in our community, and in this world.
We come from a variety of backgrounds, bring a variety of truths to the table, and are committed to being together, learning from one another, and putting our faith in the greater truth of the living God. We don’t all agree, but we do support and love one another, we love God, and we love what God has created.
If you are interested in the Episcopal Church or Saint Stephen’s, we encourage you to reach out to one of our clergy and begin a conversation about what God is doing in your life.
It all started when…
Saint Stephen’s Episcopal Church began its worship on May 20, 1973. While the church grew expanding from a trailer, to a new sanctuary, to a new parish hall, from a community of 40 people to over 1500, Saint Stephen’s never lost sight of the primary function which is to go out into the world and share the radical love of Jesus of Nazareth and the Good News of God in Christ. Parallel to that is the church’s desire to help those in need through outreach. Saint Stephen’s has over the years gone to great lengths to do all within its power to provide for those who go without.
Today, Saint Stephen’s continues to be a beacon for the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and for the building of community while focusing its sights continually on the needs of those outside her open doors and windows. Saint Stephen’s looks forward to accepting the challenges of a new world with the fresh old message of Jesus Christ crucified and Jesus Christ resurrected. We hope you will join us in this call to mission to proclaim the Gospel, help those in need, and build a strong Christian Community. We welcome you!