Sunday Forum
Sundays, 10:15-11:05 a.m.
in the Parish Hall and on YouTube
For all adults of the parish, we host speakers and discussions on a range of topics and subjects that will enhance our spiritual life and sense of purpose and community. A link to each week’s forum can be found in our weekly e-newsletter, and past forums are archived on our YouTube channel.
Speaker biographies and instructions on how to connect with us on Sunday mornings may be found on our formation page,
November 19 Wil Ranier, Cahaba River Society
Stories of Cahaba Critters
This talk will be a discussion of the intricate lives of the plants, animals, and fungi that live in the Cahaba, how those lives intertwine with ours, and why it is important that we coexist.
November 26 Thanksgiving Weekend/No Formation
December 3 Annual Meeting
December 10 Mary Bea Sullivan and Elizabeth VanderKamp
Discovering Our Stories in Sacred Story, Part 3
Elizabeth VanderKamp and the Rev. Mary Bea Sullivan will lead an interactive series exploring stories in scripture and how we are a living continuation of God’s story. Elizabeth and Mary Bea are both storytellers and storykeepers who will lead the group in deepening their understanding of Bible stories and appreciating the value of their own and one another’s stories.