Sunday Forum
Sundays, 10:15-11:05 a.m.
in the Parish Hall and on YouTube
For all adults of the parish, we host speakers and discussions on a range of topics and subjects that will enhance our spiritual life and sense of purpose and community. A link to each week’s forum can be found in our weekly e-newsletter, and past forums are archived on our YouTube channel.
Speaker biographies and instructions on how to connect with us on Sunday mornings may be found on our formation page,
Healing Stories in the Bible : Wholeness as a Path to Holiness
Join us each week in the parish hall during the formation hour. Luke 10:27 tells us to “ Love the Lord God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength , and with all your mind.” We will be focusing on all four dimensions of our being: heart, soul, strength and mind and how they are interconnected . The goal is to help us learn how we can strive for balance and wellness in our daily lives and be invited to live an undivided life where heart, soul, strength and mind are integrated into both our being and our doing. ( The Living Compass Spirituality & Wellness Initiative)
January 7 - Wellness of heart, mind, strength and soul
The Rev. Dr. Scott Stoner - founder of the Living Compass Spirituality & Wellness Initiative
The Rev. Dr. Stoner has served his community for more than 30 years as an Episcopal priest, retreat leader, licensed marriage and family therapist, and author. In addition to his coaching and psychotherapy work, he leads wellness retreats for organizations and leadership teams. He is also host of the newly launched Living Compass podcast. Scott has been married to Holly Hughes Stoner for 45 years and together they are the co-creators of The Teen Compass and the Parent Wellness Compass, and are co-hosts of the Wellness Compass Podcast. In his free time, Scott loves cycling, running, and soccer, and spending time with family, especially with his two grandsons. You may know his name from reading some of the reflections he wrote for the booklet Living Well Through Advent – Practicing Wonder with All Your Heart, soul, Strength and Mind that we used this year for our Advent devotionals .