Easter Vigil
Easter begins with the Great Vigil on Saturday evening, April 16 at 6:30 p.m., and is the most elaborate service in our tradition. The service begins in darkness, sometime between sunset on Holy Saturday and sunrise on Easter, and consists of four parts: the Service of Light (kindling of new fire, lighting the Paschal candle, the Exsultet); the Service of Lessons (readings from the Hebrew Scriptures and prayers); Christian initiation (Holy Baptism); and the Eucharist. Through this liturgy, we join the ancient practice of keeping the Easter feast, beginning in the darkness, and finally light returns.
The choir joins us in joyful singing. This service will begin at the firepit on the patio and end with a light reception in the Parish Hall. There will be several baptisms and much joy after a long Lenten journey.
Nursery is offered at this service, and the service will be live-streamed.