Creating an Advent Wreath with your Family

Did you grow up lighting an Advent Wreath? Do you know the symbolism of the Advent wreath?

The use of the Advent wreath dates to the 1600’s and is still used today as a teaching tool and a way to prepare for Christmas. The evergreen in the wreath is meant to signify continuous life. There are 4 candles, 3 blue and 1 pink. The first candle lit is blue and symbolizes Hope. The second candle lit is blue and symbolizes Peace. The third candle lit is blue and symbolizes Joy. And the final candle lit is pink and symbolizes Love.

I have always found it to be exciting when it is time to green my house. This includes the making of my Advent Wreath. Over the past few years that tradition has included my Saint Stephen’s family, as we gathered in the Parish Hall buzzing with anticipation of Christmas Day. The time together as we all made our wreaths was a time full of the Advent Spirit (Hope, Peace, Joy and Love). 

Once home with my wreath, I choose a prominent place in my home. This is always a little different for me, as I never really decorate the same every year. Your wreath should be in a place that you will be able to have devotion and reflection around it.  As the first Sunday of Advent rolls around (this year it falls on November 29th), you get to light the first candle. Many families have their wreath on the kitchen table and choose to light the candle before dinner and have a family devotion. We have always allowed the boys to take turns lighting the candles and reading a devotion. This is a wonderful way to prepare for Christmas and reflect on the reason of the season. 

This year we invite you to do something a little different if you are watching the live stream service. We have asked some of the families with newly baptized children (these families have had to have private baptisms due to COVID) to light their wreath at home and record it to share with us. During the prayer, we invite you to light your candle at home. We hope that this symbolism of us doing that together brings, Hope, Peace, Joy and Love into your home!  

Well you might be asking, “How do I get a wreath?” Saint Stephen’s will have supplies and you can order them HERE. The kit includes an oasis, brass ring and candles. Please choose the items that you need. You can find some greenery and items in your yard to make your wreath. We will have a drive through pick up for the kits on November 29th from 3:30-4:30pm and on December 3rd from 5-6pm. Please email me if you are not able to get your kit at that time. May your preparation for Advent be full of all those things signified in the Advent wreath. 

Prayer after a devotional is always a nice way to end your time. Here is one in your Book of Common Prayer. Remember, there are all kinds of wonderful prayers in your Book of Common prayer and I encourage you to flip through yours. Starting on page 211 there are some specific to Advent.

For Peace 

 Eternal God, in whose perfect kingdom no sword is drawn but the sword of righteousness, no strength known but the strength of love: So mightily spread abroad your Spirit, that all peoples may be gathered under the banner of the Prince of Peace, as children of one Father; to whom be dominion and glory, now and for ever. Amen. 

Peace be with you this Advent Season!

Kathryn Dorlon

Stasi Bara