Saint Stephen’s to Sponsor Pop-Up Market in North Birmingham

Gasp from Mt. Hebron.jpg

For over 10 years, a local nonprofit, GASP, has been working in the 35th Avenue Superfund area, a place decimated with poverty and a legacy of pollution including contaminated soil and ongoing air pollution. These conditions only exacerbate the impact of the pandemic in a community in which many are struggling to meet their basic needs. GASP is partnering with Jones Valley Teaching Farm to provide fresh produce and is inviting churches and other groups to share non-perishable food and household supplies with people who live in the 35th Avenue community.   

GASP’s pop-up market on Saturday, September 12 will be sponsored by Saint Stephen’s. Hallie Gibbs, who is organizing the ministry for our church, shares, “During Covid, I have been thinking so much about the people who have lost their jobs, and how difficult it can be to ask for help. I find it empowering that people will be able to browse for what they need, especially in a community where public transportation makes it such a challenge to get around Birmingham.” 

Leading up to September 12, Saint Stephen’s will be collecting a variety of household goods and nonperishable foods. “I am so grateful for Jones Valley providing fresh produce because it can be so expensive, and so the pop-up market makes healthy food accessible,” says Gibbs.   

Collections can be dropped off in the Outreach Alcove from 8 am to 4 pm or at any time outside of the church in the GASP Pop-Up Market collection bin. 

On September 9, when the Church launches our weekly Wednesday night dinner pick up, you are encouraged to drop off a donation of a few of the needed items when you stop by to pick up your dinner-to-go.  

You can find a link to sign up to deliver the goods to North Birmingham or make a donation HERE. 

Here is what is needed

  • 4 People to help transport goods to North Birmingham on the morning of September 12. 

  • Non-perishables: • Rice • Beans • Canned vegetables • Pasta • Canned soups • Cereals • Granola bars • Microwave popcorn • Peanut butter • Fruit snacks • Nuts  

  • Household items: • Bar soap • Toothpaste • Toothbrushes • Toilet paper • Flushable wipes • Hand sanitizer (gallon jugs) • Dish soap • Paper towels • Disinfectant spray • Laundry detergent

Thank you for your support of this ministry! 

John Burruss