Sending Epiphany Notes of Light and Love

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Many senior living facilities are not allowing visitors for the near future. This means these senior adults have not been able to see family or friends during the Christmas season. Many of the residents have become very lonely and depressed during this time of isolation. They are not only isolated from those outside, but also from those living in the same facility. They may have lost someone due to COVID-19 and many are living in fear of getting sick. We can help brighten their spirits by writing letters, sending cards, or drawing pictures for the residents of St. Martin's-in-the-Pines and Episcopal Place. Here’s a link to a star template if you or your children would like to use it to make your own Epiphany star cards and drawings.

We will have a drop box for your letters, cards, and children’s drawings just inside the foyer door (office entrance) at Saint Stephen’s from now through Sunday, January 31. We will make sure they are delivered to our neighbors at St. Martin’s and Episcopal Place, so you don’t have to worry about finding stamps or making a trip to the post office. Whether you write one note or ten, we are thankful for anything you can do to help us share the Epiphany light.

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