Disaster Relief Supply Drive
After the tornadoes that came through our area this past spring, we depleted our disaster response supplies when we delivered two van loads to share with our neighbors in Fultondale and Greensboro. With hurricane season now upon us and tornado season later this fall, it’s time to restock our disaster relief supplies so that when storms and other emergency situations arise, Saint Stephen’s is ready to share what we have with those in need.
Following are the items most needed to restock our disaster relief supplies. You may drop them off either in the Outreach Alcove (located in the hallway between the Nave and the Parish Hall) or at our new Outreach Collection Drop-off outside the staff entrance (by the handicapped parking spots to the right of the church entry driveway).
bottled water
paper towels
toilet paper
baby wipes
gallon-size plastic zipper bags
pocket-size hand sanitizing gel
hand-sanitizing wipes (small packages)
lip balm
small or travel-size personal hygiene items (toothpaste, soap, shampoo, conditioner)
small combs
wash cloths
If you have questions, please contact the Rev. Deacon CJ Van Slyke or the Rev. Dr. Becky Watts, Associate Rector for Formation and Outreach.