Friday Update: Pastoral Response to Crisis
June 17, 2022
Dear Saint Stephen’s,
Some of the words of Holy Scripture that most inform my faith come from the first chapter of John, where light, which we know as Jesus Christ, breaks through into this world: “The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.” This scripture speaks a fundamental truth that has broken our hearts open, more so in the last 24 hours than anyone could have imagined possible. Darkness is in this world. And yet, as a people of faith, we hold on to the truth that darkness does not have the final word—the light and love of God do.
On Sunday, we will gather at our normal service times of 8:00 a.m., 10:15 a.m., and 5:00 p.m. in the same way that people have gathered for 2,000 years, by proclaiming the Good News of God being with us, and then breaking bread and offering wine—those physical and tangible reminders that God is dwelling not only in the midst of our community, but breaking through into our very beings.
We will gather at the Table that was at the center of Jane’s, Sharon’s, and Bart’s lives and faith. We will gather at the Table that has taught so many that love is always breaking through in this world, no matter what we experience, whether it be doubt, anger, loss, grief, or death—but yet also joy and life. We will gather at the Table that has always been open to everyone. This is what we do as a people of faith. We gather together to know and remind each other that God is with us.
I need to share a few important things with you:
• The Saint Stephen’s campus is slowly opening up due to the incident investigation and processing after this incident. We will have access to our full building by Sunday morning.
• We have arranged for off-duty police officers to be stationed at entrances to keep the media from intruding on our church family.
• We will have Children’s Chapel on Sunday in the chapel next to the Terrace Room but the lesson will not name specifically what happened on Thursday evening. However, our Minister for Children’s Formation, Jennifer Jones, will have take-home resources on hand to help guide families in talking about grief and tragedy with their children.
Over the past 24 hours, thousands of emails, phone calls, and text messages have been coming to Saint Stephen’s from all over the world, a reminder that we are deeply connected, supporting and walking with each other in faith. Neighbors are mobilizing and churches from all over Birmingham and beyond are holding us in prayer. I believe wholeheartedly that the light and love of Christ are beginning to break through this dark moment. And we will walk in love, shining that light with each other through this moment and into the days and months to come.
The Rev. John B. Burruss, Rector