There was more than one doubting disciple! - May 21

Today’s Readings:  AM Psalms 847; PM Psalms 2496; Dan. 7:9-14Heb. 2:5-18Matt. 28:16-20

Today is the Feast of the Ascension, when we remember the day Jesus was lifted up into the air until his disciples could no longer see him. In the final verses of Matthew, we read the resurrected Jesus’ last-minute reminders to his friends and students. He issues the Great Commission, charging them to disciple all people; baptize in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; and, teach everyone of the Torah and God’s love. Jesus gives these directions to all 11 disciples.

What strikes me today is a detail of group dynamics – the disciples are not of one mind! The narrator shares that they gathered at the mountain, bowed as servants to Jesus, and some doubted. After experiencing so much – from Jesus’ ministry and miracles, to time spent with the resurrected Jesus in multiple settings – some are still wavering. Note that the word “some” is plural; more than one disciple has doubt. What is it that they question? His divinity as the Son of God? Whether he truly is risen from the dead? Something else?

I think of Jesus as a pretty intuitive guy. Does he sense the uncertainty? And if so, does that cause him concern? We read in Hebrews that Jesus becomes “like his brothers [and sisters] in every respect so that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest”. By joining in the beauty and adventure of our full humanity, Jesus shares the feelings, thoughts, and experiences of his friends and followers. Because of his divinity, he loves them as God his Father loves. As such, Jesus is full of mercy, faith, and empathy. Perhaps he could even be called an empath, keenly able to understand and share the feelings of others. Grounded in God’s love, Jesus sees that all 11 disciples are equipped to raise up others to be baptized into life with him, in spite of any doubt or wavering. He knows they can rise to the occasion.

As we live into the call of being disciples of Christ each and every day, let us do so with empathy and love. Doubt does not nullify faith in God, and differences do not disqualify us from participating in the Great Commission. With God’s help, we can rise to the occasion, too.

-- Katherine+

Questions for Reflection

  • What are your questions and doubts about Jesus?

  • What obstacles prevent you from showing mercy or having empathy?

Daily Challenge

Think about a time when, in a group, you have held a different perspective than others. How did others in the group respond when learning of your position? Journal about how you grew from that experience. For any feelings of pain or regret, pray for God’s healing and reconciliation.

Katherine Harper