“I have come not to abolish but to fulfil the law” - May 6

Today’s Readings:  AM Psalm 119:49-72; PM Psalm 49, [53]; Exod. 33:1-231 Thess. 2:1-12Matt. 5:17-20

Whether we intend it or not, our actions tell a story about what we believe – and influence those around us. That was demonstrated clearly in the sermons preached by three of our Saint Stephen’s high school seniors this past Sunday. The love, guidance, and support they have witnessed in this parish have shaped them in meaningful ways along their paths as Christians.

In our gospel reading from Matthew, Jesus is in the midst of what we call the Sermon on the Mount. He is teaching his disciples and all those gathering around him. Today he is driving home the point that his followers do, and will continue to, lead by example. Their actions point to their beliefs…and so Jesus takes the time to name how influential they can be. And what guides the example they are to set? The Law provides that framework – the rules set forth by God, beginning with the commandments God laid out to Moses upon the mountain. The power and example displayed by Jesus rolls up under that framework, too, for Jesus is a fulfillment of scripture, not a presentation of a new way. Jesus knows that he, too, leads by example.

What is the example you are setting, and what is the framework you are leaning upon? What parts of your framework are strong? What parts need to be reinforced?

— Katherine+

Questions for Reflection

  • What is the example you hope to set today?

  • What or who do you need to support you?

Daily Challenge

Revisit the catechism (The Outline of Faith, beginning on page 845 in the Book of Common Prayer). What parts of our Christian doctrine bolster the example you hope to set?

Katherine Harper