The toxicity of tension - May 7

Today’s Readings:  AM Psalm 50; PM 114, 115; Exod. 34:1-171 Thess. 2:13-20Matt. 5:21-26

Tension happens in relationships, especially during times of stress. We let off our emotional steam in the direction of those we care about and trust. If you have others living in close proximity right now, perhaps “Operation Tension Mitigation” has been the name of your family dynamic of late. Rather than diffusing stress and moving on with the next project of the day, Jesus challenges us to go further. He calls us today to total reconciliation.

If someone commits murder or violence, judgment is inevitable. However, Jesus takes it one step further: anger, too, will bring judgment, so he says to drop everything and make amends. Jesus knows how divisive and toxic resentment can be, infiltrating intimacy with weeds of irritability. He wants his followers to live fully into the spirit of God’s law – and not just the word of it. In order to give freely of ourselves to God, Jesus knows that we must be unencumbered by darkness and anger.

Though we are in the Easter season and basking in the joy of the Risen Christ, sometimes reconciliation is easier said than done -- especially in times of duress. Surely Jesus’ disciples wrestled with this teaching, too. Reconciliation still can be a goal we continue to work toward… like a habit we work to cultivate. It can make this time of isolation and quarantine less lonely, and much more joyful. Today, take a step toward building a bridge with a brother or sister, spouse or friend…because we are already forgiven by God.  

Alleluia and thanks be to God!


Questions for Reflection

  • How severe a judge are you upon others? How severely do you judge yourself?

  • What are your barriers to reconciliation with a loved one?

Daily Challenge

Pray for someone with whom you feel tension and separation. What other steps are you called to make toward reconciliation?

Katherine Harper