Hope is Contagious - March 1

Today’s Readings: AM Psalm 56, 57, [58]; PM Psalm 64, 65; Jer. 1:11-19; Rom. 1:1-15; John 4:27-42

Many years ago, I had a picture of my parents dressed up in a tuxedo and ballroom dress on their way to some fancy party.  Someone in my dad’s office had given him two sets of what I believed were called, “Billy Bob Teeth” and my parents had snuck them in when the photographer was least expecting it.  It was a beautifully ridiculous picture, and as a teenager, one of the first reminders that my parents had fun too!  

When I was in college, I remember showing my first roommate the picture.  Patrick was somewhat gullible, and when he started laughing, my response was, “why are laughing at my parents?” 

“John.  I’m laughing because they are laughing in the picture.”  And he got awkwardly quiet before I let him know that the picture was a ruse and that it was more than okay to laugh at my parents and their fake teeth.  But I have remembered those words all these years later – “I’m laughing because they are laughing.”  Isn’t laughter contagious?  So are joy and optimism.  So are faith and hope. 

There was an article in this week’s Washington Post about the happiest place in medicine is a COVID-vaccination clinic not only for the patients receiving the shots but for the health care workers too.  Many of the people interviewed shared that it has been the most fulfilling experience of their careers to offer hope.  The article rightly connects that administering hope has been its own reward, instilling hope in those who give it.  Because isn’t hope contagious too!

I think Paul understands this when he writes to all of God’s beloved in Rome.  In the opening of the letter to the community gathered in Rome, he begins by remembering the community in his prayers and then asking God that he will be able to finally succeed in visiting them.  Listen to his words in verses 1:11-12: “For I am longing to see you so that I may share with you some spiritual gift to strengthen you— or rather so that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine.” Paul does not just expect to offer hope and faith to this community, but together to be encouraged by each other so much so that they can grow in their faith and love for God.  Paul understands that faith and hope are contagious too. 

I am reminded today just how important it is to help lift each other up with hope and faith.  And here is what Paul’s offers us that can be helpful – not just for the benefit of the other but for our own benefit too.  If we need to experience hope and faith, maybe the place we start is by sharing where we do experience faith and hope with others. 


Questions for Self-Reflection:  Have you had experiences where you have found laughter, joy, hope, optimism, or faith contagious?  What about recently?  Were you the instigator or someone who was caught up in the experience?

Daily Challenge:  Strategically plan today to infuse hope and optimism into a conversation when people are least expecting it.  See if you can make hope grow! 

John Burruss