Beloved - February 18
Today’s Readings: AM Psalm 102; PM Psalm 107:1-32, Gen. 32:22-33:17; 1 John 3:1-10; John 10:31-42
When I was a three-year-old kid, before my sisters were born, my mom volunteered at our Episcopal church. She would bring me along sometimes after picking me up from preschool. I would curl up behind her desk to take a nap. I can still see the light filtering through the windows of the dark wooden blinds. I can feel the warmth of the wooden floor and the comfort of my baby blanket and stuffed animal lamb. As I reflect, it is probably one of my earliest memories.
While I do not take naps at the church anymore, there are times in the church office when I feel the same warmth and beauty that I did more than forty years ago. This week, I was in the first space visitors see, the desk where “Office Angels” sit and welcome guests and answer the phone. I was having a conversation with someone who is going through the Metagem Institute’s spiritual direction program. She was telling me about the latest book she was reading by Henri Nouwen in preparation for the next training meeting. My friend was so moved by Nouwen’s message, as it had opened her eyes to a deeper understanding of her goal in spiritual direction. People seek different things when they talk with a spiritual director. Some want understanding of where God is moving them. Others hope to get clarity on hard stuff in the past. Still more seek practices that will bring them closer to God each day.
Reading 1 John 3:1-10 this morning, I am reminded of some of the wisdom that emanates from spiritual direction. When we doubt who we are and what value we are to others, this piece of Holy Scripture reminds us: “See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God; and that is what we are.” We are so loved by God that we are God’s dear and adored sons and daughters. That is who we are.
The second half of this verse reads, “The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him.” Our understanding of who we are is sometimes obscured and confused by what is around us. Maybe this is why parents want their children to mind the company they keep as teenagers (and beyond). It is a similar rationale to why Israelites kept their families apart from those who followed other gods. It is hard to be in a world where who we are is misunderstood. Staying faithful to God is a discipline that happens daily – and the writer of this first letter of John knows that the world needs Jesus. We need Jesus.
The inspiration continues. “Beloved, we are God’s children now; what we will be has not yet been revealed. What we do know is this: when he is revealed, we will be like him, for we will see him as he is.” Our being is already defined: we are beloved children of our Lord. Now. What is ahead for you and me is not clear. This letter gives the gift of grounding us in God’s love and in knowing we are beloved of God, so that come what may, we know that Jesus is our Advocate and Guide. The Holy Spirit inspires us and strengthens us to face what is to be revealed, and empowers us to tell this truth to others.
May God move you, comfort you, encourage you, and challenge you this day. Amen.
- Katherine+
Questions for Reflection
What words describe you? Who has influenced you to become who you are?
How is God moving you to pay attention today?
Daily Challenge
In the week ahead, spend time doing some type of daily meditation and reflection, through prayer, reading, writing. If you are looking for a new source for daily meditation, try Henri Nouwen’s book You are the Beloved: Daily Meditations for Spiritual Living.