Parents of Saint Stephen's Second Graders,
We are writing to invite your second grader and you to a class we will be offering on Sunday afternoon, April 14, 3:00-4:30pm. Entitled Welcome to the Table, it is a final primer and ritual for your child as he/she moves from children’s chapel into the main worship service.
Next fall, your child will make the move from children’s chapel into big church. The children have learned about the customs and rituals used in our worship service while in children’s chapel and are ready to participate fully in the larger service.
The purpose of this class is to ritualize this moment in your child’s life. Together, we will review the customs of our worship service. Then we will revisit the Upper Room for a retelling of the Last Supper. We will do so in a way that also involves you. Therefore, it is important for you to attend the class with your child.
Then, at the Easter Vigil and on Easter Sunday, at the 9:00 and 11:15 am services, the children who attended this class will be invited to stand with the clergy at the altar during the Eucharistic consecration prayer. Your family only needs to attend one of these services. While most of our children have already received their first communion, it is still a symbolic moment in which we celebrate and highlight this rite of passage in their lives.
We hope you and your child are able to attend this class. To help in our planning (supplies for our Last Supper and art project) please let Jennifer know whether or not your child will be attending. (
Again, we will meet on Sunday, April 14, 3:00-4:30pm in the nave.
The Rev. John B. Burruss and
Jennifer Jones (Director of Children's Ministries)