2021 Stewardship Launch: Supporting the Hive

SSEC and Bees FINAL.jpg

September 25, 2020

Over the next six days, around 60 volunteers from Saint Stephen's are hand delivering the following letter with 1.5 oz of Saint Stephen's honey.

On the western end of our church property, about 200,000 honeybees live in four different hives. They work together to pollinate much of Cahaba Heights, the grounds of Saint Stephen’s, and the surrounding area. Our flowers and even some of our food need the support of the bees. Each hive has one queen bee. Her sole purpose is to create life. Every other bee works to support her by caring for the hive, bringing in pollen or making honey, and fighting off what is harmful for the wellness of the community. The whole purpose of the 200,000 bees on our property is to support the “God bee,” the queen who creates life.

Can you imagine a better image for the community of the faithful? Every single person has a role in the community to support the work of God, the one who is always creating. We have different roles, but it takes all of us. Today and every day, I give thanks for you and the role you play in the hive. It’s fitting that the first honey from our beehives is shared with you. Enjoy the sweetness of the kingdom of God and know that you are a part of making our community the beautiful, hopeful, and compassionate place that it is.

Our work in the hive continues as we work to share a vision of love and compassion through Jesus Christ in our community and beyond. Today, I ask you to begin your discernment of the role you can play in our community this coming year. Part of that discernment is financial. Enclosed is your 2021 Financial Commitment Card. You can return it at any time and on October 25, we will take the cards that have been received in the mail or electronically, bless them, and look with hope towards the future. Like the bees giving sacrificially for the God bee, we co-create with God when we share physically and tangibly from all that we are given. Thank you for your role in the hive and for your sacrificial and proportional giving to Saint Stephen’s.

Those letters will be delivered through October 1st. As with every system, it is not perfect. With 60 volunteers delivering nearly 600 packages, I bet some mailboxes won't be found and maybe even a wrong address or two. If you did not receive honey with a commitment card in your mailbox and you consider this your spiritual home and want to support it, I want you to personally call me on my cell phone, and I will deliver honey to your home. Just wait until October 2nd to give our volunteers ample time! You matter and I give thanks for you! I can be reached at any time at (901) 830-7966. If you are ready to make your commitment now, here is the link to the online form.


The Rev. John B. Burruss


*Thanks to Camilla Moss for the beautiful Stewardship Artwork and Scott Cochran for leading and organizing our honey harvest and beehive project.

John Burruss